Annual Forages & Brassicas

Annual forages can be used as emergency forages following winterkill or can be part of a pasture program. There are several products available which may fit your needs.

Brassicas provide a great source of late summer and fall pasture to help extend the grazing season.

Check with MAPLESEED to get the best product and recommendation for your situation.


Forage brassicas: stubble turnips, forage rape, kale and radish provide high quality forage for fall grazing. Summer seeded on fertile, well-drained ground, they should be strip grazed to prevent large losses.



Red clover establishes itself easily and can produce high yields of excellent quality forage although it can by hard to dry for hay. It also makes a great component in a pasture mix. Red clover is a short-lived perennial that may only persist for a couple of years.


Japanese Millet

Japanese Millet provides another option for good quality annual forage. It should be planted in late May or early June which will provide 2 cuts or it can be used for grazing. It does not contain prussic acid. An annual forage crop for hay or haylage. Provides 3-4 cuts of high forage quality feed. 


Ryegrass establishes quickly and is very productive under proper conditions. High quality forage with high digestability that can be used for pasture, hay or haylage. Prefers well drained, fertile soils and grows quickly during periods of cool, wet weather. Can be spring planted to provide multiple cuts of high quality forage or for grazing.




Sorghum-Sudan grass hybrids are a good option for high quality emergency forage. It can be used for silage, green chop or pasture. They should be planted late May or early June when there is adequate heat. There is also a BMR Sorghum-Sudan which provides even higher quality.